Sync Google Fit With Fitbit – Simple And Easy Guide On How To Connect Google Fit With Fitbit

How To Sync Google Fit With Fitbit - Simple And Easy Guide On How To Connect Google Fit With Fitbit

How To Sync Google Fit With Fitbit – Are you having trouble syncing or connecting Google Fit with Fitbit? No worries, I’ve got you covered in this post.

Staying fit and active has become increasingly important in today’s world. Many people use fitness trackers and apps to monitor their activity levels and set fitness goals. Two popular options for this are Google Fit and Fitbit.

Google Fit is a health-tracking platform developed by Google, while Fitbit is a company that produces fitness trackers and apps.

In this era of fitness tracking, people are always looking for ways to sync their fitness data across multiple platforms.

Among the popular ones are Google Fit and Fitbit. Syncing your Google Fit and Fitbit accounts can be useful so that all your fitness data is in one place.

In this post, I will guide you through the simple and easy process of syncing Google Fit with Fitbit.

Download The Google Fit App

Download The Google Fit App
Download The Google Fit App

First, download the Google Fit app. Ensure that your device is compatible with Google Fit before downloading the app.

For Android phones, go to the Google Play Store and search for “Google Fit.”

If you have an iPhone, go to the App Store and search for “Google Fit.”

Install the app and follow the prompts until the installation is complete.

Connect Google Fit With Fitbit

Connect Google Fit With Fitbit
Connect Google Fit With Fitbit

Connecting Google Fit to Fitbit is easy. After downloading the Google Fit app, it’s time to establish a connection with your Fitbit device.

By connecting the two, your data will automatically sync between both apps, enabling you to access important fitness metrics in one place.

Make sure that you have the latest version of both apps installed on your phone. Then follow these steps.

  • Open the Google Fit app on your phone
  • Tap the “Me” icon in the top-right corner of your screen (it looks like an outline of a person).
  • Select “Connected Apps & Devices” from the menu options that appear.
  • Scroll down until you see “Fitbit” and tap it once to open its settings page.

Set Up Your Google Fit Goals

Set Up Your Google Fit Goals
Set Up Your Google Fit Goals

Before you start syncing your data, you need to set up your Google Fit goals. To do this, open the Google Fit app and select “More” at the bottom of your screen.

From there, select “Goals” and then choose the type of goal you’d like to add. You can select from activity, sleep, or nutrition, such as daily steps or distance.

Customize your goal by selecting the desired target and frequency. Save your goal and begin tracking your progress.

Sync Your Data Between Fitbit And Google Fit

Sync Your Data Between Fitbit And Google Fit
Sync Your Data Between Fitbit And Google Fit

To sync your data between Fitbit and Google Fit, first, make sure that your device is compatible with both platforms.

Next, download and install the app for either platform from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Create an account on both platforms using a valid email address and password. Once logged in on both platforms, follow these steps.

  • Open the Google Fit app on your mobile device or desktop computer.
  • Click “Connect” in the top right corner of the screen next to the “Sign Out” button.
  • Select “Fitbit” from the list of available apps and follow the prompts to connect your Fitbit account.
  • Your activity, sleep, and other health data from Fitbit will now automatically sync to your Google Fit account and vice versa.
  • You’ll be able to view all your data in one place in the Google Fit app.

Review Your Data

Review Your Data
Review Your Data

Make sure to regularly check your progress toward your fitness goals by reviewing your data.

To do this, open the Google Fit app on your phone and select “My Day.” You’ll see a graph displaying the number of steps you’ve taken and calories burned throughout the day.

If you want to view more information, such as your heart rate and sleep quality, simply tap on the respective category at the bottom of the screen.

For even more detailed stats about your physical activity, tap “My Activity” to access all of your data.

Set Up Notifications

Set Up Notifications
Set Up Notifications

If you want to receive notifications from your Fitbit app on Google Fit, you need to enable it first.

To do this, go to the “Apps & Notifications” section in your phone’s settings menu and select “App Manager.” Look for the Fitbit app in the list of installed apps.

Now, open the Google Fit app and access its settings by tapping on the gear icon in the top right corner.

From there, select “Notifications” and customize your preferences by enabling or disabling alerts. Make sure to check the box next to the chosen setting.

You can opt for daily or hourly activity summaries, or receive an alert if your heart rate exceeds a specific level (with a heart rate monitor).



If you’re experiencing difficulties syncing your data, it’s important to first check that you have the most recent version of the Fitbit app installed on your phone.

To do this, simply access the App Store or Google Play Store and search for “Fitbit.” Once you locate it, click “Get” and install the app if it’s not already on your device.

If you’re using an Android device, it’s also crucial to ensure that both Google Fit and Fitbit have location services enabled. This should automatically happen when you install the Fitbit app.

To confirm that this is the case, go to your phone’s Settings and select “Location Services.” Then, make sure that both “Google Location History” and “Fitness” are turned on.

If the syncing issues persist, you may want to try uninstalling and reinstalling one or both of the apps. This could help resolve any potential software conflicts that are causing the problem.

FAQs About Syncing Google Fit With Fitbit

Can I sync Google Fit with Fitbit?

Yes, you can sync Google Fit with Fitbit by following a few simple steps. First, download and install the Fitbit app on your phone. Next, link your Fitbit account to Google Fit from within the Fitbit app.

How do I link my Fitbit account to Google Fit?

To link your Fitbit account to Google Fit, open the Fitbit app on your phone and navigate to the Account tab. From there, select “Google Fit” and follow the prompts to link your accounts.

Does syncing Google Fit with Fitbit allow me to track all my fitness data in one place?

Yes, syncing Google Fit with Fitbit allows you to consolidate your fitness data from both platforms into a single place. This can make it easier to track your progress and see how you’re doing over time.

Will all my fitness data automatically sync between Google Fit and Fitbit?

Yes, once you’ve linked your accounts, your fitness data should automatically sync between Google Fit and Fitbit. However, it may take a few minutes for the data to update, so be patient.

What types of fitness data can I sync between Google Fit and Fitbit?

You can sync a variety of fitness data between Google Fit and Fitbit, including steps taken, distance traveled, calories burned, and more.

Is it possible to sync multiple Fitbit devices to Google Fit?

Yes, you can sync multiple Fitbit devices to Google Fit. Simply link each device to your Fitbit account and then link your Fitbit account to Google Fit.

Do I need to have the Google Fit app installed on my phone to sync with Fitbit?

Yes, you need to have the Google Fit app installed on your phone to sync with Fitbit. You also need to give the Fitbit app permission to access your Google Fit data.

Can I sync my Fitbit data with other fitness apps besides Google Fit?

Yes, you can sync your Fitbit data with a variety of other fitness apps, depending on the app. However, the process for syncing may be different for each app.

How often does my fitness data sync between Google Fit and Fitbit?

Your fitness data should sync between Google Fit and Fitbit automatically throughout the day. However, if you’re having trouble with syncing, you can try manually syncing your data from within the Fitbit app.


So that’s it, I hope this guide helps you learn how to sync and connect Google Fit with Fitbit.

Syncing Google Fit with Fitbit is a practical and straightforward approach to consolidating your fitness data, ensuring a seamless experience across both platforms. 

By following these steps, you can effectively manage your fitness goals, track your progress, and stay motivated on your journey towards better health. 

Go ahead and sync your Google Fit and Fitbit accounts today to get the most out of your fitness tracking experience.

If you enjoyed this post or found this guide helpful in learning how to sync Google Fit with Fitbit, please share this post with your friends and family on social media.

If you have any suggestions, feel free to share them with me in the comments. Thanks for reading, and take care.

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