Best Smartwatch Sleep Tracking Apps – Top 10+ Best Sleep Tracking Apps For Smartwatches

Best Smartwatch Sleep Tracking Apps - Top 10+ Best Sleep Tracking Apps For Smartwatches

Best Smartwatch Sleep Tracking Apps – Finding the best sleep-tracking apps? No worries, I got you covered in this post.

Sleep tracking is a feature that allows you to monitor your sleep patterns, including how long you sleep, how many times you wake up during the night, and your heart rate.

Sleep tracking apps can help identify factors that may be affecting your sleep quality so that you can improve it.

Many smartwatches have built-in sleep-tracking capabilities or offer compatible third-party apps for use with their devices. 

Some apps are designed specifically for use on smartwatches, while others can be used on any device that has a screen, such as smartwatches or fitness trackers.

In this post, I’ll share with you my top 10+ best sleep-tracking apps for smartwatches.


Sleep Watch
Sleep Watch

SleepWatch is a great app for those who want to track their sleep without the need for a separate device. 

It’s simple, easy to use, and has lots of features that make it an excellent choice for those looking for something more than just a basic tracker.

The app can be used on both iOS and Android devices, which makes it accessible to almost everyone who wants to use it. 

The interface is very easy to use and easy to understand, there are no complex settings or menus that need hours of reading through before you can use them properly.

SleepWatch tracks your movement during the night by using your phone’s built-in accelerometer. 

This means that there is no extra hardware required (like putting anything else on your wrist), so it is much easier to use than other apps available today.

Sleep Cycle

Sleep Cycle
Sleep Cycle

Sleep Cycle is a sleep tracking app that uses your phone to monitor your movements during the night. 

It then analyzes this data and suggests ways to improve your sleep.

The app features a smart alarm clock that wakes you up at the best time to feel refreshed and energized for the day ahead. 

The Sleep Cycle app also tracks how long it takes you to fall asleep, as well as how long you spend in deep sleep or light sleep throughout the night.

The app can be used with any Android or iOS device (though some features may not be available on all devices).



Fitbit is one of the most popular fitness trackers on the market today. It has a wide range of features and can be used to track your sleep, exercise, and even calories burned. 

The app also allows you to set goals for yourself so that you can stay motivated in your quest for better health. The Fitbit app is available for both Android devices and iPhones and iPads.

Fitbit was started by James Park and Eric Friedman in 2007. At first, it was only for people who wanted to lose weight, but it became a company later that year.

In 2008, they released their first product which was called Fitbit Ultra. It was a pedometer that could measure steps taken during exercise, but not distance traveled or the number of calories burned.

Over time more products were released including wireless activity trackers like Charge HR & Alta HR which contain heart rate monitors.

This helps them achieve maximum results from each workout session, so users can see how many calories they burn per hour while exercising.

Sleep As Android

Sleep As Android
Sleep As Android

Sleep as Android is a free app that allows you to track your sleep patterns and analyze them. This gives you a better understanding of your sleep quality.

The app can also help you get better sleep by monitoring how long it takes for you to fall asleep, whether there were any disturbances in between those periods, and how many times during the night that happens (and how long those periods last).

Sleep tracking starts automatically once the device is placed on its charger before bedtime, so there’s no need to start anything manually. 

When it comes time for bed just put down your phone or smartwatch and let Sleep as Android does all the work.



The pillow is one of the best sleep-tracking apps for smartwatches.

It uses your phone’s sensors to monitor your sleep, and it provides detailed analytics to help you improve your sleep habits.

You can set up Pillow on any Android device with Android 4.3 or later, as well as iPhone 5s or later running iOS 8 or higher.



Sleepzy is a sleep tracker app for smartwatches that helps you get a better night’s rest. 

It allows you to track your sleep patterns and see how they change over time, so you can figure out how to improve them.

The app shows you how much time you spend in different stages of sleep (REM, light, and deep) as well as when your alarm went off during the night. 

You can also set goals for yourself based on these numbers, such as trying to get more REM or less light sleep each night. 

The app includes an optional feature called “Sleepy Time” which will remind users when it’s time to go to bed based on their previous nights’ schedules.



Sleep++ is one of the best sleep-tracking apps for smartwatches. It’s simple, easy to use, and offers a lot of useful information about your sleeping habits.

The app tracks your sleep using the accelerometer on your watch or phone (if you have one). 

You can set up alarms before bedtime so that they go off at the right time when you’re in deep sleep mode. 

The app will also wake you up gently with vibrations instead of an alarm sound so as not to disturb anyone else in the house.



Beddit is a sleep-tracking app that works with Apple Watch and Beddit’s wireless sensor. 

It tracks your heart rate, rate, snoring, and temperature while you sleep.

Beddit also measures REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is the deepest stage of sleep where you dream most often. 

This information can help you identify if there are any problems with your health or sleeping habits that need attention.

The app has an easy-to-use interface. After setting up your profile and connecting the sensor, it will automatically start tracking data from your watch when you fall asleep at night or wake up in the morning. There is no need to press any buttons.

Auto Sleep

Auto Sleep
Auto Sleep

AutoSleep is a sleep tracker app for Android and iOS devices that you can use to track your sleep. 

It works with most smartwatches, including the Apple Watch and Android Wear watches.

The app has many features, I’ve shared some of the features I love.

  • An alarm clock that wakes you up at the best time for you based on your sleep cycle.
  • A journal, so you can record your dreams, moods, and other information about how well, or poorly, you slept each night (or day).
  • A graph showing how much time was spent in different stages of sleep during each night’s rest.

Sleep Genius

Sleep Genius
Sleep Genius

Sleep Genius is a great app for tracking your sleep. It has a clean interface and is simple to use, making it ideal for users of all levels.

The app uses your phone’s sensors to track how long you’ve been sleeping, how often you wake up during the night, and the quality of your sleep (deep or light).

The data from these features is then used to create graphs that show how much time you spend in each stage of sleep throughout the night.

This information can be helpful when trying to determine what factors may be affecting your overall health and well-being. It can also help you identify any problems you may have.

In addition, Sleep Genius also includes an alarm clock feature so that users can set reminders when they need them most.

Sleep Score

Sleep Score
Sleep Score

SleepScore is a smartwatch app that tracks your sleep quality, duration, and efficiency. 

It also provides you with insights into how to improve your sleep.

The app can be used on any Android Wear watch that supports Google Fit, such as the Samsung Gear S3 or Huawei Watch 2 Pro.



Sleepace is a sleep-tracking app for smartwatches. It is available for both Android and iOS devices, so you can use it with your Apple Watch or Samsung Gear S3/S4.

Sleepace has some great features that make it easy to use and understand.

Below I have shared some of the amazing features I love about sleep ace.

  • A simple interface that shows you how long you slept, how many times you woke up in the night, and what time of day you woke up each morning (or afternoon).
  • An alarm clock feature that wakes you up at the right time based on when you’re most likely to feel refreshed. You can also set multiple alarms so that one will go off if another fails to wake up your partner as well.
  • An option called “Smart Alarm” changes its settings based on how long ago it was last used. The idea is that if the alarm is used too often, it will become less effective over time.

FAQs About Best Smartwatch Sleep Tracking Apps

What is a smartwatch sleep tracking app?

A smartwatch sleep tracking app is a mobile application that measures and records the wearer’s sleep quality.

It can be used with a smartwatch to track the wearer’s sleep hour by hour, or it can be used on its own to monitor sleep patterns over time.

Can smartwatch sleep tracking apps measure the quality of my sleep?

Yes, smartwatch sleep tracking apps can measure the quality of your sleep by tracking the amount of time you spend in different stages of sleep, such as deep sleep, light sleep, and REM sleep.

Which is the best smartwatch sleep tracking app?

The best smartwatch sleep tracking app is Sleep Time. Sleep Time is a free smartwatch app that helps you monitor your sleep and wake up naturally.

The app uses motion sensors to track your movements while you sleep, and uses the data it collects to help you understand how well you’re sleeping.

You can customize the alarm sounds, set a wake-up time, and see how long it takes for you to fall asleep at night.

Can I use a smartwatch sleep tracking app without a smartwatch?

No, you need a smartwatch to use a smartwatch sleep tracking app. The app uses sensors in the smartwatch to monitor your sleep patterns.

Are smartwatch sleep tracking apps accurate?

Smartwatch sleep tracking apps can be accurate, but the accuracy may vary depending on the quality of the device’s sensors and the app’s algorithms.

Can I use a smartwatch sleep tracking app on any smartwatch?

No, not all smartwatches are compatible with sleep tracking apps. You should check the app’s compatibility with your specific smartwatch before downloading it.

Can smartwatch sleep tracking apps wake me up in the morning?

Yes, Smartwatch sleep tracking apps can wake you up in the morning with a gentle vibration.

The app will track your sleep, and when it’s time to wake up, it’ll vibrate on your wrist to let you know it’s time to get up.

Do smartwatch sleep tracking apps drain the battery of my smartwatch?

Smartwatch sleep tracking apps can drain the battery of your smartwatch, but most apps have battery saving features that minimize the impact on your device’s battery life.

Can smartwatch sleep tracking apps help me improve my sleep quality?

Absolutely, Sleep is a big part of your overall health, and sleep tracking apps can help you understand what’s going on with your sleep.

They can also help you figure out how to improve it, which can be a great way to keep track of your progress as you work towards a healthier lifestyle.


So that’s it, I hope this guide helps you find the best smartwatch sleep tracking apps to track your sleep.

Smartwatches are a great tool for tracking your sleep and can help you get a better night’s rest. 

There are many sleep tracking apps available today for smartwatches that can help you monitor your sleep patterns, improve your sleep quality, and lead a more productive life.

From simple apps like Sleep++ and Sleep Cycle to more advanced options like Beddit and Sleep Genius, there is something for everyone. 

Whether you use your phone or a dedicated sleep tracker, these apps can give you a better understanding of your sleep and help you make positive changes.

So, if you’re looking to get a better night’s rest, be sure to check out some of the top sleep tracking apps for smartwatches listed above.

If you like this post or if this guide helped you with the best smartwatch sleep tracking apps. Please share this post with your friends and family on social media.

If you have any suggestions, feel free to share them with me in the comments. Thanks for reading. Peace.

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