Does Fitbit Work On Treadmill – 3 Easy Expert Tips & Tricks To Make Fitbit Work On Treadmill

Does Fitbit Work On Treadmill - 3 Easy Expert Tips & Tricks To Make Fitbit Work On Treadmill

Does Fitbit Work on Treadmill? – Don’t know if Fitbit works on the treadmill? No worries, I’ve got you covered in this post.

Fitbit is a wearable device that tracks your activity and sleep. It can also sync with other fitness apps like MyFitnessPal, Apple Health, or Google Fit.

A treadmill is a machine used for walking or running on flat surfaces. Wearing a Fitbit while on a treadmill is advantageous as it provides more precise workout tracking compared to using a phone or computer app.

Whether you prefer to work out outside or on the treadmill, achieving your fitness goals becomes more manageable with accurate data.

In this post, I will discuss the effectiveness of Fitbit on a treadmill and provide some expert tips and tricks to optimize your Fitbit experience.

Ensure Proper Placement

Ensure Proper Placement
Ensure Proper Placement

Proper placement is key to getting the most out of your Fitbit. Here are some tips for ensuring proper placement.

  • Place the tracker on a flat, clean surface (e.g., wrist or waist) when not in use, and make sure that it’s not covered by clothing or fabric while wearing it.
  • Avoid placing the tracker directly over bony areas, such as elbows and knees, and sensitive spots like recently injured wrists to prevent irritation over time.
  • To avoid losing your activity data, consider wearing a bracelet or necklace as an accessory.

Ensuring proper placement will lead to more consistent and accurate results when using your Fitbit on a treadmill.

Use Treadmill Mode

Use Treadmill Mode
Use Treadmill Mode

Here, I have mentioned the steps you can follow to activate and use treadmill mode on your Fitbit watch.

  • Activate Treadmill Mode – To activate Treadmill Mode, you must have a Fitbit device with an altimeter and heart rate monitor. If you don’t have one of these devices, then this tip won’t work for you.
  • Use the Right Settings in Your Fitbit App – After activation, enter the app and ensure that your settings are properly configured to sync with your treadmill automatically through Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.

By using the treadmill mode tailored to your workout, you can expect improved accuracy from your Fitbit.

Calibrate Your Stride Length

Calibrate Your Stride Length
Calibrate Your Stride Length

To make the most of your treadmill workouts, it’s essential to calibrate your stride length accurately.

Your stride length is the distance between each footstep. Knowing the correct stride length can help you track progress, set achievable goals, and prevent injuries.

To calibrate your stride length, you’ll need to go into the Fitbit app on your phone and select “Account.” From there, tap on “Stride Length” in the menu bar at the top of the screen.

Once in this section of the app, press “Calibrate Stride Length” and follow the instructions on-screen. You can also find this option under Settings > Personal Info > My Profile > Calibrate Stride Length (iOS only).

FAQs About Using Fitbit On Treadmills

Can I use my Fitbit on a treadmill?

You can use your Fitbit on a treadmill. The only thing to keep in mind is that the treadmill will track your movement, and it may be hard to see your Fitbit screen if you have a large stride.

If you’re using an Aria scale, make sure that it’s set up in an open area so that there are no obstacles between it and your treadmill.

Will my Fitbit track my steps on a treadmill?

Your Fitbit will track your steps on a treadmill, as long as you’re wearing it. It’s designed to track your steps wherever you go, and that includes treadmills.

Does Fitbit have a specific mode for using it on a treadmill?

Fitbit has a Treadmill Mode that you can use to track your workout accurately. You can find this mode under the Settings tab in the app.

Simply tap on your profile icon, then tap “Advanced Settings,” then tap “Treadmill Mode.” To turn it on, just toggle the switch to “On.” You’ll be able to see all of your stats from there!

How do I activate Treadmill Mode on my Fitbit?

To activate Treadmill Mode, you need a Fitbit device with an altimeter and heart rate monitor. Once you have it, you can activate Treadmill Mode by going to the Exercise app and selecting Treadmill.

How do I calibrate my Fitbit for treadmill use?

To calibrate your Fitbit for treadmill use, go to the Fitbit app on your phone and select “Account.” From there, tap on “Stride Length” and follow the instructions on-screen.

Can I use Fitbit on a manual treadmill?

You can use Fitbit on a manual treadmill. Fitbit’s trackers are designed to work with a wide range of exercise equipment, including treadmills and elliptical machines.

Will my Fitbit track my heart rate on a treadmill?

Your Fitbit will track your heart rate while you’re on the treadmill. In fact, it’s pretty good at tracking all kinds of exercise.

Can I use Fitbit on an incline treadmill?

Yes, you can use Fitbit on an incline treadmill. You’ll just need to make sure that your wristband is facing up while running.

The tracker will automatically sense when it’s on an incline and adjust its readings accordingly. It will also recognize if you’re running up or down a hill and will adjust for that too.

Will my Fitbit track the calories I burn on a treadmill?

Your Fitbit will track your calories burned on a treadmill. To set this up, you’ll need to connect your Fitbit with the Fitbit app on your phone.

Then you can go into the “Activity” section of the app, and under “Steps,” select “Treadmill.” You’ll be able to set a goal for how many calories you want to burn per mile and adjust it as needed.

You can also do this by going into your dashboard in the Fitbit app, tapping on “Calories Burned,” and then tapping on “Set Goal for Steps.”

How accurate is Fitbit on a treadmill?

Fitbit can be accurate on a treadmill, but it’s essential to calibrate your stride length and use Treadmill Mode for the best results. Keep in mind that no fitness tracker is 100% accurate.


So that’s it, I hope this guide helps you with your question, does Fitbit work on a treadmill?

Fitbit can indeed work effectively on a treadmill, allowing you to track your fitness progress and reach your workout goals.

To get the most out of your Fitbit, make sure you place it correctly, use the treadmill mode, and calibrate your stride length.

Keep these expert tips and tricks in mind while using your Fitbit on a treadmill, and you’ll be on the road to achieving your fitness objectives in no time.

So, strap on your Fitbit, hop on the treadmill, and get moving toward your fitness goals!

If you like this post or if this guide helped you with using Fitbit on treadmills, please share this post with your friends and family on social media.

If you have any suggestions, feel free to share them with me in the comments. Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you next time. Peace.

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