Does Fitbit Count Steps On Treadmill? – Unvailing Fitbit Steps Counting On Treadmill

Does Fitbit Count Steps On Treadmill - Unvailing Fitbit Steps Counting On Treadmill

Does Fitbit Count Steps on Treadmill? – Dont know, if your Fitbit can count steps while you’re on a treadmill. No worries, In this post, I’ll unveil the truth about Fitbit’s step-counting capabilities on a treadmill.

Treadmill workouts are a popular choice for many of us, providing a convenient and weather-proof method to stay active.

But when it comes to tracking your steps, you want to ensure that your Fitbit is up to the task. 

After all, staying on top of your fitness goals is essential for maintaining motivation and tracking your progress.

In this guide, I’ll dive into how Fitbit tracks steps, and its performance on a treadmill, and share some valuable tips for ensuring accurate step tracking during your treadmill workouts. 

So, let’s get started and find out if your Fitbit can truly count steps on a treadmill.

How Fitbit Tracks Steps

How Fitbit Tracks Steps
How Fitbit Tracks Steps

Fitbit devices contain a 3-axis accelerometer that undertakes the task of tracking your movements, including the all-important step count.

This high-tech accelerometer registers your acceleration, which is then transformed into step data via Fitbit’s unique algorithms.

These smart algorithms consider multiple factors, such as the length of your stride, your arm swing, and overall body movement, to estimate your steps.

Nonetheless, it’s essential to note that the meticulous art of step tracking can be influenced by a range of conditions, such as where you’ve positioned your device on your body and the distinct style of your walk or run.

Fitbit And Treadmill Tracking

Fitbit And Treadmill Tracking
Fitbit And Treadmill Tracking

Engineered to cater to an array of activities, Fitbit devices are well-adept at tracking steps for in-place activities like running or walking on the treadmill, bestowing users with the ability to log their indoor fitness endeavors.

Moreover, it’s worth noting that treadmill step tracking may display minor discrepancies in comparison to those under the open sky.

This owes to the natural variances in stride length and arm swing one exhibit between treadmill usage and outside strolls.

Despite these contrasts, though, Fitbit devices are more than capable of delivering a fair and useful step count for treadmill activity.

For the best results, positioning your Fitbit correctly and adhering to step-tracking best practices is key.

Tips For Accurate Treadmill Tracking With Fitbit

Tips For Accurate Treadmill Tracking With Fitbit
Tips For Accurate Treadmill Tracking With Fitbit

If you’re eager to take full advantage of your Fitbit’s functionality on the treadmill, here are some recommendations to consider:

  • Proper Device Placement and Settings – As per the manufacturer’s recommendations, attach your Fitbit to your non-dominant wrist, ensuring it’s secure yet comfortable. This placement enables optimal skin contact. Additionally, double-check your Fitbit’s settings to confirm they reflect your true handedness, height, weight, and stride length.
  • Use Fitbit’s Treadmill Mode – Certain Fitbit models, including the Charge and Surge, come equipped with a specific “Treadmill” mode. Leverage this feature to augment the accuracy of your treadmill workout tracking. You can activate this mode by accessing the Exercise screen on your device and selecting “Treadmill” before launching your workout.
  • Maintain Consistent Arm Swing – Arm swing is a pivotal factor in accumulating a precise step count. Aim for maintaining a natural arm swing when utilizing a treadmill, and circumvent gripping the treadmill’s handrails, which can negatively skew your step count accuracy.
  • Calibrate Your Stride Length – In pursuit of the most precise steps and distance measurements, you might need to calibrate your stride length. This can be done by recording your stride length and updating this measurement in your Fitbit account settings.

Troubleshooting Step Tracking Issues

Troubleshooting Step Tracking Issues
Troubleshooting Step Tracking Issues

Find your Fitbit’s step tracking on a treadmill erratic? Try these handy fixes:

  1. Restart Your Fitbit Device – Often a straightforward device restart can clear up tracking anomalies. For instructions on restarting your Fitbit, refer to the relevant section in your device’s user manual.
  2. Update Your Fitbit’s Firmware – Confirm whether your Fitbit device is operating on the latest firmware version. Regular firmware updates often carry enhancements for more accurate step tracking.
  3. Contact Fitbit Support – Continuing to encounter issues with your treadmill step tracking? It might be a good time to seek assistance from Fitbit’s expert support team.

FAQs About Fitbit’s Step Tracking On A Treadmill

Does Fitbit accurately count steps on a treadmill?

Yes, Fitbit devices are designed to count your steps while you’re walking or running on a treadmill.

However, there may be some slight variations compared to outdoor steps due to differences in stride and arm swings.

How does Fitbit track treadmill steps?

Fitbit uses a 3-axis accelerometer to track your movements. When you’re on a treadmill, the device registers your motion and calculates the steps based on its algorithms.

Why is my Fitbit not counting steps on the treadmill?

Ensure that your Fitbit is correctly placed on your non-dominant wrist and you’re maintaining a natural arm swing. If the issue persists, try restarting your Fitbit or updating its firmware to the latest version.

Can the Fitbit track steps if I hold onto the treadmill?

Holding onto the treadmill while walking or running can affect the accuracy of the step count. Try to maintain a natural arm swing for the most accurate tracking.

Why does my Fitbit count fewer steps on the treadmill compared to outdoor walking?

Differences in stride length, inclination, and arm swing between treadmill walking or running and outdoor activity may result in slightly different step counts.

How can I improve the accuracy of my Fitbit when using a treadmill?

Setting your stride length in your Fitbit account settings and maintaining a natural arm swing can help improve accuracy. Certain Fitbit models also have a ‘Treadmill mode’ for better tracking.

Does Fitbit count steps on manual treadmills?

Yes, as long as your arms are swinging naturally, Fitbit can monitor your step count on both manual and electric treadmills.

Can I adjust step count on Fitbit if it seems inaccurate on the treadmill?

Unfortunately, you can’t manually adjust the step count. However, ensuring the correct personal settings (like height, weight, and stride length) and device placement can help increase accuracy.

Does Fitbit count more steps on the treadmill?

Usually, Fitbits are accurate with step tracking, but if your treadmill session involves a lot of arm movement, you might see a slight overestimate. Again, maintaining a natural arm swing is key.

Can I wear Fitbit on my ankle while walking on the treadmill?

Fitbit recommends wearing the device on your wrist for optimal step tracking. While some users have noted decent step-counting accuracy with the device on the ankle, this usage is not officially supported by Fitbit.


So that’s it, your comprehensive guide to understanding how a Fitbit counts steps while you’re on a treadmill.

It’s quite fascinating, isn’t it? The way these innovative watches assess our movements and use their in-built algorithms to track our steps during our treadmill workouts.

By following the tips and best practices shared in this post, you can confidently use your Fitbit to track your treadmill workouts and stay on top of your fitness goals.

It’s essential to remember that, like any technology, Fitbit watches may not be perfect, but they do provide reasonably accurate step counts when used correctly.

If this guide helped you, please share this guide with your friends, family, and fellow fitness enthusiasts on social media. Your support means a lot and It always feels good to share helpful information.

If you have any questions or suggestions, dont hesitate to share them with me in the comments. Thanks for reading, and have a fit day. Peace.

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